I apologize for not blogging. I have been so busy with school, I have completely forgotten about blogging. I am afraid I won't be able to blog much until Christmas break now. Make sure you check out my brother's blog Wild Wisconsin!
Here is my deer I got on Thanksgiving Day: a nice 9-point. It is a 4-5 year old with a 16.5" spread, and 6.5" tines. It came to within 7ft before I shot! I was leaning against a tree, and I was upwind of it, with a 30 mph wind, so it did not see or smell me. It is a deer I am proud of!
All things written on this blog and in the comments thereof are only to stimulate healthy thought, and positive debate. I welcome controversy, but may our differences be discussed in love, and not in spite. I would like all my readers to put the most positive construction on all words said, and to read each comment in light of the desire to encourage (maybe through carefully guarded sarcasm) and not to tear down.
Differing opinions will not be restricted, only those comments whose content is inappropriate, either by the words used (ie swear words or euphemisms) or by blatantly attacking the character of another person, will be deleted. Thank you for understanding!