Saturday, August 26, 2006

Paul R Nelson-You've got the issues straight!

I have to say that I am proud of your emphasis! He has put out only two radio adds, and the first was on defending life, and the second was on defending marriage. See them here.

I will support Paul R Nelson for Congress!

Thanks to Lucas for giving you reading!

I have to thank Lucas for posting on my blog. For me my summer has been hectic. I have had summer jobs, and also been helping our neighbors milking. I'm not sure how school will go this fall, but I do hope to post a little.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Days Door Ditty

A collection of random front door messages....

Please ring the door bell and run...
The dog need exercise!

If you ever want to visit again, please bring a paper bag with five pounds of fresh tuna.

-The Cat

Those are smudges on my windows. They're Angle finger prints.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Liberal enough to keep slavery

The popular thought has been that liberal godless force of reason was the diving influence. Not so. As Barone's post points out, it was not past history or new liberal reason that got the balls rolling for the end of the slave trade, but Christianity and the likes of William Wilberforce that deserve the recognition.

Good to remember.

Sweet, Sweet Corn Deal

I have sweet corn again although the drought and coons have taken their own fair share. If you want some tho, stop by and I would be happy to sell you some. And the WW discount still applies.

A better ad...

Well Paul R. Nelson launches his first radio ad of the season. Good one too on the partial-birth abortion.

Willingness like that to confront Kind on his lack of kindness for kids really takes guts. The real question tho is if Kind will get a heart.

Watch that nose grow!

I just listened to Doyles ad on this home page and was thoroughly amazed to see how blatent a lie he could give. He stated in the ad that Green "wants to outlaw stem cell research."

First off no one objects to using adult stem cells for research. There are no lives taken.

Second, Green has never said he wants to even outlaw embryonic stem cell research: he just wants to limit funding it. Even good libertarians can support that on fiscal grounds alone let alone moral.

At least Doyle has the priviledge to lie. The embryos he is killing never will.

Check out Mark Green's site too btw. He has a new get to know you spot.