Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Deer hunting

Well, that is what I'm up to these days. I got one on Saturday-- a 100+lb nubbin buck. Although my Bro also got a deer on Monday, we still need a few more in the freezer to last us the year! I'm going out again Wednesday, with a few brothers and neighbors. Hopefully we can get something.

I heard a joke today relating to deer hunting. It was told by an Irish, so take it in context.

"I was driving through Wisconsin on the weekend before Thanksgiving. As I was driving, I was seeing all these men out in the fields wearing orange. With my ancestry in the back of my head, I remarked to myself, 'My this sure is a protestant area!'"
OK, you have to be Irish or Swedish to get this one. Instead of wearing green on St Patrick's Day, it is traditional for the Protestant Swedes (in protest to the Irish, and also to remember the Prince of Orange) to wear orange.

Well, for all the rest of you going hunting, have fun!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Just a reminder to vote. If you want a good overview of the candidates in my area, you can look at my brother's post here. Oh yes, By the way, I endorse the same candidates.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Paul R Nelson-You've got the issues straight!

I have to say that I am proud of your emphasis! He has put out only two radio adds, and the first was on defending life, and the second was on defending marriage. See them here.

I will support Paul R Nelson for Congress!

Thanks to Lucas for giving you reading!

I have to thank Lucas for posting on my blog. For me my summer has been hectic. I have had summer jobs, and also been helping our neighbors milking. I'm not sure how school will go this fall, but I do hope to post a little.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Days Door Ditty

A collection of random front door messages....

Please ring the door bell and run...
The dog need exercise!

If you ever want to visit again, please bring a paper bag with five pounds of fresh tuna.

-The Cat

Those are smudges on my windows. They're Angle finger prints.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Liberal enough to keep slavery

The popular thought has been that liberal godless force of reason was the diving influence. Not so. As Barone's post points out, it was not past history or new liberal reason that got the balls rolling for the end of the slave trade, but Christianity and the likes of William Wilberforce that deserve the recognition.

Good to remember.

Sweet, Sweet Corn Deal

I have sweet corn again although the drought and coons have taken their own fair share. If you want some tho, stop by and I would be happy to sell you some. And the WW discount still applies.

A better ad...

Well Paul R. Nelson launches his first radio ad of the season. Good one too on the partial-birth abortion.

Willingness like that to confront Kind on his lack of kindness for kids really takes guts. The real question tho is if Kind will get a heart.

Watch that nose grow!

I just listened to Doyles ad on this home page and was thoroughly amazed to see how blatent a lie he could give. He stated in the ad that Green "wants to outlaw stem cell research."

First off no one objects to using adult stem cells for research. There are no lives taken.

Second, Green has never said he wants to even outlaw embryonic stem cell research: he just wants to limit funding it. Even good libertarians can support that on fiscal grounds alone let alone moral.

At least Doyle has the priviledge to lie. The embryos he is killing never will.

Check out Mark Green's site too btw. He has a new get to know you spot.

Friday, June 30, 2006


Sorry all for my neglected blog. My last 3 weeks have been crazy. First we went on a surprise trip to Canada to visit my granny and cousins. Then the last two were filled with strawberry season. Both weeks I put in 80 plus hours of work, starting at 5:30 AM and going to 5:30-6:30 PM, Monday through Saturday. Yes a crazy two weeks for our whole family. Strawberry season is now over. To find out more about the field I work at, check out their web site www.redcedarvalleyfarms.com. Today is the last day of the season, but you are welcome to come next year! Hope to see you then!

Thursday, May 25, 2006


Summer schedule has officially started for me! I have been busy working all week. Between the strawberry fields, and a roofing project, I have almost put in 30 hrs this week. Ecc. 3:13 reminds me of my position right now. "And also that every man should ... enjoy the good of all his labor, it is the gift of God." I thank God for his gift of labor!

Saturday, May 20, 2006

This is the bigger choir at the Bible school. This choir did a tour in Europe this year.

This is a picture of Jessica and David and some of the choir they are a part of. We went to hear them last night. They did a very good job. Jessica is in the second row third from the right, and David is in the back row second from the right. The school year is over for them (as it is for me officially, although I have a little bit to finish off) and they are getting home today.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Puppy Profile:
Name: Firestone
Gender: Male
Mother: Coffee (Pure bred Chesapeake Bay Retriever)
Father: Border (3/4 Border Collie)
Date of Birth: April 19th, 2006
Temperament: Laid Back, relaxed, and gentle

Puppy Profile:
Name: Good Year
Gender: Female
Mother: Coffee (Pure bred Chesapeake Bay Retriever)
Father: Border (3/4 Border Collie)
Date of Birth: April 19th, 2006
Temperament: mischievous, gentle, and active

Canada, Straightening out your gun laws, eh?

Today, Stockwell Day, Canada's Public Safety Minister, is expected to announce an amnesty of gun registration for rifles and shotguns! This is at least a step to straighten out. Since 1997 there has been a mandatory registration of all guns. This has had much opposition from the ranchers and farmers in western Canada, and now finally with the Conservatives running a minority Government, there will finally be a try to start changing it. If it manages to make it through, it will not require any long guns to be registered. Handguns will still need to be registered, but this is still moving in the right direction.

(CTV Canada's report on this)

Go Oilers!

I'm not much into sports, but seeing my Mom grew up near Edmonton, I kinda have to cheer them on. The Edmonton Oilers (hockey) are expected to proceed into the semifinals. Right now they are playing the San Jose Sharks, and have won the last three games against them (giving the Oilers a 3-2 lead), the last being a 6-3 win. With Edmonton's defenseman Chris Pronger, and goalie Dwayne Roloson, the Sharks Joe Thornton has been completely neutralized. It'll be interesting to see how things progress. Things really started looking up for the Oilers when they cleaned out the Red Wings, and now they are still pushing on strong. It'll be interesting to see, if, as some have projected, the Oilers will pull off another Stanley Cup!

Update: The Oilers did not pull off another Stanley Cup, they lost the 7th game of the Stanley Cup to the Hurricanes. It was a close series even though the Oilers lost their main goalie (a mainstay on their team) to an injury in the first game.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Here are the puppies together. I will send individual pictures later. If you are interested in buying one, just email me.

UPDATE: Both puppies are sold now.


As of April 19th our animal menagerie has also included 2 mutt puppies. Their mother is my dog (a purebred Chessie named Coffee) and their father is our 3/4 Border Collie. She has proved to be an excelent Mother. As of next week, I plan on starting selling them. If you are interested, just send me an email. I hope to get pics up soon.

It's me again!

Yes, I'm back. School is starting to wind down, but the summer is starting to gain momentum too! I hope to be able to post some as I find or make the time.

I'll give you a quick update on my life.

Other than school, I haven't been up to much. Over the Easter break, I went caving with my siblings, and couple of friends. The weekends have been the highlight of my life, recently, with my oldest brother (Justo) off work, and my sister and brother back from the Bible School they are studying at. The recent return of my brother (Lucas, of Wild Wisconsin) from Ecuador has also been a blessing. Over the early spring we got our house re-sided. It is now a blue color. The winter passed without incident, and I am here safe and sound to welcome in the spring.

Thanks again for bearing with me, through my long inactivity!