Monday, December 31, 2007

Another issue Huckabee stands out on!

People have pressed the point that Romney has had a change of heart. Now, at least on gay marriage, we find out different.

On December 16, 1997 2007, that's just this year folks, less than a year from the Presidential elections, Romney gave a wonderful Christmas present to Homosexuals. While talking about ENDA, Romney said, "At the state level. I think it makes sense at the state level for states to put in provision of this." What?! This is a man who is trying to frame himself as for traditional marriage??!!! Given to his credit he does go on to say, "I would not support at the federal level, and I changed in that regard because I think that policy makes more sense to be evaluated or to be implemented at the state level." Here he uses a federalist guise to try and appear fully "anti-gay" but when the Federalist facade is taken off, what you are left with is a gay supporter quaking in his boots at what Christian concervatives would do to him if he doesn't try to act "pro-marriage." Peter LaBarbera, a long time Christian conservative leader, and founder of Republicans for Family Values said this:

"Laws that treat homosexuality as a civil rights are being used to promote homosexual ‘marriage,’ same-sex adoption and pro-homosexuality indoctrination of schoolchildren. These same laws pose a direct threat to the freedom of faith-minded citizens and organizations to act on their religious belief that homosexual behavior is wrong."

He also warned,

"Given Romney’s extensive pro-homosexual record and willingness now to depart from principle on this crucial issue, should we trust a ‘President Romney’ not to reverse course again on federal pro-homosexual laws such as ‘Hate Crimes’ and ENDA?"

Can we expect someone like this who will not stand up for Christian conservatives, even on a popular issue, to stand up on an unpopular issue such as abortion? Can I support a man who will undermine our Christian conservative values? This is why I have place my support behind Mike Huckabee! Check out his stand on marriage.

Hat tip: I Heart Huckabee
Quotes from: Christian Post and Free Republic

Saturday, December 29, 2007


Alright all you English Latin Majors, can you deduce what that means? (Now, doing a web search doesn't count!) Now since you all could just as well do a web search, and find out, I'd might as well tell you:

Hexa = six
Kosioi= hundred
Konta = ten
Phobia = fear of

so hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia means the "the fear of the number six hundred and sixty-six." Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia comes from Revelations and the mark of the beast. This phobia transfers even to people's phone numbers as shown by this BBC News article. Look out all you Louisiana Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobiacs for that 666 prefix on your phone number!

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Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas Guests

Isn't that what the whole Christmas season is about? A wonderful time to get together as a family, with other families, to remember the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ? I am so thankful for the many friends and neighbors who privileged us with their presence over this Christmas Holiday season: Olsons, Smiths, Browns, Whites, Ottersons, Kluvers, Landees, and Finders. (If I have missed anyone, it is not by design, but due to my forgetful mind!) I am also so glad to have 4/5ths of my siblings here for Christmas. It is so special, as I see the day approaching when God's direction will separate us in miles, though not in heart. As you look back on your Christmas Season, remember Jesus, the Reason for the season.

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Season's Greetings, and Happy Holidays!

Ok, so who am I, one of those people who won't say those two dreaded words? You know, the ones that stores like K-mart and Sears tried to restrict their employees from saying. You know that "phrase" that starts with "Merry" and who's last syllable is "mas." That terrible phrase that may try to remind us that there may be a "higher being!" Is that why I am trying to suggest by my post title? Was my blogging drought due to the fact that I didn't want to defend my omission of those dangerous words?!


At this point, just to prove my innocence I would like to personally wish each and every one of my readers a belated Merry Christmas. My blogging drought was more perhaps because I was to busy celebrating my Saviors birth in carol and song (and oh yes, don't forget the cookies) to find the time to inform you of the approaching celebration! Now I probably have you wondering why I even have such ominous phrases in my title! Well, to tell you the truth, I have absolutely no problem with "Season's Greetings" or "Happy Holidays," so long as their use isn't required at Christmas. They are a wonderful New Years or winter greetings! (Or for that matter, they are just great for the 4th of July too!) If there wasn't the whole blowup about "CHRISTmas" I wouldn't mind even an occasional greeting of such over this time of year. It is only when secularists try to use them to remove Christ from CHRISTmas, that I take offense.

So to all of you, I would like to wish once again, Merry Christmas, and have a blessed Winter Season, and wonderful Christmas and New Year's holidays!

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Friday, December 07, 2007

Phone call from Pendleton!

Well, you guessed it, today we got a surprise call from David from Cali. He was given the privilege of a 10 minute call, as his platoon was the best platoon in the PE test. He is doing very well, and seems to be enjoying himself yet. He says everyone thinks he is crazy because he has too much energy and is too happy. He says he really appreciates any letters he gets, and to keep sending letters. You can continue to pray that he remains healthy, that the Lord would continue to give safety, and that he can continue to be able to fit in time for personal devotions.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Huckabee vs. Romney on taxes

So many people have questioned Huckabee on his fiscal policies. As I have said before, this is probably one area where I agree with him the least. With that said, the more I look at the other candidates, the rosier his position and record seem to be. I found this in an article by Michael Medved, and thought it was very concise and simply said.

"... Meanwhile, it’s also worth a few lines here to defend the Arkansan from the claim that he’s a secret “big government liberal” or, in the phrase of the Club for Growth, “Tax Hike Mike.”

According to figures from the non-partisan Tax Foundation (based on data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis, Department of Commerce), Huckabee’s term as governor (1996-2007) led to a modest increase in the overall State-Local tax burden for Arkansas: from 10.1% in the year he became governor to 11.1% the last year he served. In terms of overall tax burden (state-local-federal) Arkansas remained virtually unchanged--- from 30.3% (39th among the 50 states) to 30.5% (32nd place).

Mitt Romney, on the other hand, saw sharper increases in taxes during his single gubernatorial term (2003 to 2007) in Massachusetts. The state-local burden rose from 9.8% the year of his election to 10.5% his last year as governor. Meanwhile, the total tax burden went up from 31.2% to 33.9% -- vaulting Massachusetts from 9th place to 7th place in the nation.
These numbers don’t prove that Huckabee was a great governor, or that Romney was a poor governor: actually, both men count as exemplary public servants and authentic conservatives (and both of them have taken Grover Norquist’s “No New Taxes” Pledge—in contrast to their rivals Giuliani, Thompson and McCain, who have refused to do so). Both candidates deserve respect for doing a solid job in handling state legislatures with overwhelming Democratic majorities and scoring some notable achievements as governor (though both states flipped to Democratic control in 2006).

For those who are interested in the truth, however, the growth of the tax burden in Arkansas under 11 years of Huckabee looks no worse (and actually a tad better) than the growth of taxes in Massachusetts under 4 years of Romney."

Saturday, December 01, 2007

David's Letters

David has been very faithful at letter writing, and my Mom has been very faithful in posting them to our family blog. You can read his first, second, third, forth/fifth. He continues to be upbeat and not at all regretting his decision. You can keep in prayer that he can be healthy for the complete duration. He has pink-eye and a cold, so that those two afflictions can heal up!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

YOU can make a difference!

Although you may think you are so insignificant, and you can't do a thing, here is proof that even you can make a difference.Twins from Oregon, whom I know of, and with whom I have mutual friends, sent an email to Chuck Norris, and influenced his decision as to whom he is supporting for President.

Friday, November 16, 2007

David's Address

We got a form letter today from David with his address. Once again I would like to emphasize: absolutely no packages of any sort, no pictures, and no money; only letters. His address is:

3rd RTBN M CO Plt. 3271
39003 Midway Ave.
San Diego, CA 92140-3274

Please make sure you copy the address exactly as written. Realize he is very pressed for time, so his reply correspondence will be limited, but he will certainly enjoy letters of encouragement. The letter was not a personal one, he only signed his name, so we don't know any more than this. Thanks again to all who have shown their support!

Update: You can see his general schedule here.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Why Giuliani is a no-go

I think the recent pole by CNN says it all. It shows that the pro-life movement is still alive and well. It also show why Giuliani will never make the presidency, and why we must oppose him in the primary.

CNN Pole of 1,024 voters reached by phone call:

Now suppose you could choose between Hillary Clinton as the Democratic Party's candidate,
Rudy Giuliani as the Republican Party's candidate, and a third-party candidate who believes that
abortion should be illegal in all circumstances. Who would you be more likely to vote for? (IF
UNSURE:) As of today, who do you lean more toward? (RANDOM ORDER)
Nov. 2-4
Clinton 48%
Giuliani 32%
Third party candidate 18%
Neither (vol.) 1%
Other (vol.) *
No opinion 1%

(my emphasis added)

Need I say more? You can see the full pole results here.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Verse of encouragement

But you have carefully followed my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, love, perseverance, persecutions, afflictions, which happened to me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra—what persecutions I endured. And out of them all the Lord delivered me. Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution . . . But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them, and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.

2 Timothy 3:10-17 (my own italics added for emphasis)

I thought of this verse with David leaving to the Marines. It is not only a good verse for him, but a good reminder for us all!

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Raccoon anyone?

We are always game to try any new food as a family. Sometimes we come up with a delicious cuisine, and this just happens to be one of those occasions. We were out Raccoon hunting with our neighbors last night, and ended up with 9 coon. We figured we wouldn't let all the good meat go to waste, and brought home some legs to eat. We used this recipe, and it turned out great. Everyone greatly enjoyed it. They did not taste at all "gamey," and were very tender. My mom called the meat like a mixture between pork and beef. For all of you to have the opportunity to try it, I figured I post the recipe here.

You first start by acquiring your coon. You skin and take off the quarters. (the rest of the coon is edible as well, but most of the meat is on the quarters, so it is simplest to just eat the quarters) Bring them home, and remove all the fat you can (you can actually do this anytime before you start cooking them), and let them soak in salt/soda brine for about 6 hours (longer is fine). Take them out of the salt brine, and put them in a pot to boil. Boil them with salt (and onion if desired) until thoroughly done.

mix together:

1-cup ketchup

½ cup cooking oil or butter

¼ cup brown sugar

1 Tbsp. Worcestershire sauce

1 Tbsp. garlic powder (or to taste)

1 Tbsp. onion powder (or to taste)

1 Tbsp. salt

¼ cup lemon juice

1 tsp. pepper

pour over coon, and let sit until ready to grill.

Place on grill and apply sauce to meat as it is cooking.

Grill until browned as desired.

Eat with relish, forgetting the species it came from. (which is not hard considering the exquisite taste)

Friday, November 02, 2007


If at first you don't succeed, don't try skydiving!

Monday, October 29, 2007

David's Send-off

Thank you all for coming to David's send-off. Your support is a real encouragement. We had plenty of treats for everyone, thanks to the many people who were so generous and brought a variety of cookies, bars, and even milk! We estimated we had about 150-160 people present for the program, and there were a few more that either left before the program, or came after it was over.

We would especially like to thank those who shared, including Cpt. John Mueller (Navy), Pastor Les Johnson, and Bob Ebersprocher, who also presented David with a Gideon New Testament on behalf of the Gideons. A big thanks also goes to the Brown Family, Kurt, Sophia, Daniel, Sarah, Hannah, Bailey, as well as Brandon Marschner, Naomi Finney, Julia Osthus, Anna Alme, and Angela Lackey, who stayed around and helped us clean up.

We would also like to thank each and everyone who is praying for David as he prepares to embark on this new stage in his life. We pray that the Lord can bless him in this endeavor, and that David may be a bright, shinning example of Christ's love to all around him!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Just to lighten your day

Everywhere is walking distance if you have the time!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Saying of the day

A little bit of powder, a little bit of paint, makes a girl seem what she aint!

Friday, October 19, 2007

"_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " 08

I know this is only 07, but they way everyone is talking about it these days, one would imagine it were October 08! The small difference being there 6 people being talked about instead of 2. I have to say I still have not seen a candidate stand out yet on either side. The democrats are totally out. There is not a single democrat who has even the life issue correct. That said I don't need to go further to discuss their stands.

On the Republican side, there are quite a few who will claim to be pro-life, in fact all of the leading candidates claim to be against abortion, at least in some way. Giuliani and Romney, both, have very week anti-abortion stands. Both want to leave rape, incest and "health" of the mother loopholes for abortions to happen, which is really not outlawing it at all, as the "health" of the mother loophole is what brought us to the infanticide we are daily committing. (See their respective Issues pages: Giuliani Romney)

John McCain is a mystical subject. Presently he is touting his "pro-life" stands, (see his Issues page on abortion) but he also has long held to the rape, incest, and "life" of the mother clauses. I see him as another bomb-out for the pro-life cause. (See this interesting article by the ultra-liberal blog Think Process trying to say he is "right-winged" they bring out his flimsy anti-abortion stands) Also McCain has shown by his infamous "McCain-Feingold" bill that he has a loose interpretation of the Constitution, and with such would not appoint strict constitutionalist judges, which is crucial for the pro-life cause.

So what does all this leave us? One, nay two top tier candidates. You may know Fred Thompson, and I will next address his stands, but let me first introduce you to the newest candidate who in every way except funding is proving himself a "top-tier" candidate, Mike Huckabee.

For now I will address Fred Thompson's life stands. One thing that concerns me is his seeming lack of care for the issue. He never directly states his opinion on his issues or principles page, unlike every other Republican Presidential candidate, including Giuliani who all directly address the issue. Fred's site does briefly mention "the sanctity of life" and not appointing judges who promote a "culture of abortion." Other than this strange neglect, Thompson seems to be pretty solid on the abortion issue, and the marriage issue. Some concerns have come up more recently, including "not recalling" Terri Schiavo. A little disconcerting, especially seeing the publicity that case received. With that said, I still think I could support Thompson if he received the Republican nomination.

Now concerning Mike Huckabee, His stand on life is solid, he would support a federal gay marriage amendment, and has solid 2nd amendment stands, including holding a conceal and carry permit! Although I am not sure if marriage is a federal issue, I do appreciate his willingness to be that strong on Marriage. I greatly appreciate his boldness to support a Constitutional amendment to outlaw all abortions. I believe that abortions are prohibited by the Constitution in the first place, but because of activist judges, it is now necessary to directly state it.

With all this said, my support goes toward Mike Huckabee. I believe he has the executive experience and the proper stands on issues to lead our country in a righteous way. His leadership is phenomenal considering the strong marriage amendment and tax cuts he passed in his state while governor, even with a democratic legislature! As far as funding goes, I believe the only reason he is lacking funding is because number 1: he doesn't have excessive personal wealth, and number 2: he has not received a universal "top-tier" designation yet. I believe that he is the best man to win the election.

Go Mike Huckabee!

Update: Mike Huckabee has now passed Mitt Romney in the last two polls by Rasmussen Reports.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Who likes gun control?

I found this very humorous video clip, that I must say places the issue in a good perspective!

Friday, October 05, 2007


"For as the rain comes down and the snow from heaven, and do not return there, but water the earth..." (Is. 55:10) Sometimes I like to question God's timing of his wonderful provision of rain. Throughout the summer we had a shortage of rain, and were quite dry. Although we didn't suffer significant harm to our garden, it still was inconvenient, and many farmers did suffer crop damage. Now the Farmers are all ready to harvest their corn and soybeans, but the fields are so muddy they can't even think of driving in them. Between last night and this morning we got close to 3 inches of rain, and putting that on top of over 4 inches this last week, we are starting to wonder when the soil will get dry enough to drive on. You know, this reminds me of a Proverb, "As snow in summer and rain in harvest, so honor is not fitting for a fool." (Prov. 26:1) As it says in this verse, rain is not fitting in harvest, or so we finite humans think. For now, we just have to accept God's wonderful provision of rain, and trust His perfect timing through it all. But that still doesn't mean we can't pray for dry weather!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Send-off for David!

As I before mentioned, my brother has enlisted in the Marines. We are wanting to have a commissioning service of a sort, and you are invited to take part. It will be from 14.00.00-16.00.00 hours (ok, 2pm-4pm for those of you not used to military time) at our church, just south of Wilson. You can get directions and more information, at my family's blog, here. We would love to see you there!

Prayer Request - Update 4

John is on his way home today. It is amazing how fast his little body has recovered! We can thank the Lord for His healing touch. Continue to pray for John as his healing is not over, but be sure to thank God for his gracious healing touch as well!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Prayer Request - Update 3

Praise the Lord, John is doing much better today! Last night he even ate his first meal since the surgery. He has been doing some walking, and has spent some time playing in the playroom. The road of recovery is still long, but significant progress has been made. He is still in pain, and is still on pretty strong pain medications. You can continue to pray for healing!

Beautiful contrast!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Prayer Request - Update 2

Recovery from the surgery is still pretty slow. He has done a little walking, but still has been unable to keep food down. Be in prayer especially for motivation to keep trying to get his strength back, and pray for patience for the family. After such a major brain surgery, the road to recovery seems long, especially at the beginning with seemingly slow progress, and so far to go.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Prayer Request - Update

Thank you all for your prayers. The surgery was completed successfully, even though there were some significant complications. You can read more about the surgery here. You can continue to pray as he recovers. They say the second day is more difficult than the first.

Again you can read all the updates on John here.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Hunting is come again!

O the wonderful season of fall is about upon us, but the wonderful events of fall are already arriving. Saturday was for me the official opening of hunting-- Squirrel and cottontail rabbit hunting opener. Even though there were leaves on the trees, I still had to go out. I ended up seeing a rabbit, and two squirrels, but didn't have a chance to shoot at any of them. On the ground my dog was between me and them, and the leaves hid the squirrels too well in the trees. I hope to go on many more hunts this fall, hopefully with more success!

Prayer Request

We just found out that the son of friends of ours has a serious disorder called Chairi Malformation of the brain. In layman's terms his cerebellum is too big for his skull, so it is pushing the spinal chord down. You can view their updates on him here. Be in prayer as they are going in for surgery on the 21st of this month!

Saturday, September 15, 2007


I am honored now to be able to say my brother has just enlisted in the United States Marine Corps. He leaves for basic training the beginning of November. You can join both myself and my whole family as we support him with prayers and letters. I have always respected those men who are willing to commit a minimum of 4 years to serving their country, and now am most glad to have a sibling enlisted. Due to his MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) he will be in training for about 1 year, and will not see overseas duty for about 3. When his first 3 years are done he hopes to train as a scout and serve in the front lines his last 2 years. As I mentioned before, your prayers are always welcome!

Semper Fidelis!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Wow, We Are Fearfully And Wonderfully Made!

Scientists have just discovered that DNA is much more complicated than they thought. They still can't even identify what color a person's eyes will be! I have to say, that if scientists can't with intelligence unravel over multiple millennium the mystery of genes, how could have those baffling genes come into being from a big pot of microbial soup? This is just more evidence for a master designer!

The glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search out a matter. Proverbs 25:2

Friday, April 20, 2007

Puppy Pics!

Take me, Please!

Rolly-Polly, tumble-bumble

I'm gonna get you...

These puppies can be yours! They are lovable, playful,
with a variety of temperaments, from laid back, to energetic and concentrated.
Feel free to to email me if their lovable attitude, and cute faces,
grip your heart with a desire to incorporate one (or more) of them into your home!

Sunday, April 08, 2007


"I serve a risen Saviour, He's in the world today,
I know that he is living whatever men may say!
I know that he will lead me through all the stormy blast,
The day of his appearing will come at last!

He Lives! He Lives!
Christ Jesus Lives today!
He walks with me, and talks with me,
Along life's narrow way!
He Lives! He Lives!
Salvation to impart.
You ask me how I know He lives,
He LIVES within MY heart!"

A Blessed Easter to all! As I played this song in church today, the words really stuck out to me. What a blessing it is, that not only does my Saviour live, but 'He lives within my heart.'

Does He live within your heart?

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Puppies 4 SALE!!!

How fitting that I end my blogging drought with a post on my puppies! Yes I have puppies, in fact 8 of them. Their mother is my Chessie, and the father is our Border Collie. They are every color combination from black to light brown. They are ready to go. If you are interested, jut email me!